Acknowledgments and References
The materials that were used as reference to prepare the courses for the Terminology module are listed below:
Arntz, R. and Picht, H. (1989): "Einführung in die Terminologiearbeit. Georg Olms AG, Hildesheim.
Deutsches Institut für Normung: DIN 2330-1979. Begriffe und Benennungen. Allgemeine Grundsätze. Deutsche Normen. Berlin
International Standards Organization. ISO 1087-2: 2000 Terminology Work - Vocabulary - Part2: Computer applications
Karsch, B.I. (2006): "Terminology workflow in the localization process", in: Dunne, K.J. (ed.), Perspectives on Localization, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, p. 174.
Melby, A. K. (2003) “Interchange using TBX”. LISA Oscar Meeting, Washington DC, Brigham Young University, Provo Campus [en]
MultiTerm User Guide (2003), Trados Ireland Ltd., Dublin, Ireland. (URL: [en]
Onlinehilfe zu MultiTerm 5. (c) 2001 TRADOS Ireland Ltd., Dublin, Irland
Pearson, J. (1998): "Terms in Context". John Benjamins, Amsterdam
- Terminology Vocabulary by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1087:1990 (E/F)
The Pavel Terminology Tutorial (2006). Public Works and Government Services. Canada. [en]
Translation-oriented terminography (1996) from ISO 12616.2. [en]
Trippel, T. (1999) ”Terminology for spoken language systems”. [en]
Reinke, U. (1993): "Der Austausch Terminolgraphischer Daten". IITF-Series 2. TermNet: International Network for Terminology. Wien.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2005): Guidelines for Terminology Policies. Formulating and implementing terminology policy in language communities. Paris. (URL: [en]
Wright, S.E. and Budin, G. (1997): "Handbook of Terminology Management". Vol. 1, Basic Aspects of Terminology Management. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Amsterdam/Philadelphia
WIKIPEDIA, The Free Encyclopedia (URL: [en]
Zielinski, D. and Ramírez, Y. (2005): Research meets practice: t-survey 2005. An online survey on terminology extraction and terminology management. (URL: [en]
The illustrations used were taken from:
Last but not least, we would like to give special thanks to Mr. Karl-Heinz Freigang from the Saarland University for allowing us to reproduce some passages of his class materials on Terminology and Terminology Management Tools (2004-2006).