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The eCoLoTrain courses include materials for teaching eContent localisation processes and tools to trainers and teachers of professional translation. They contain guidelines for the best practice in integrating these tools and methods into general and specialised translation classes. The courses are presented in five modules that cover the following areas: information and computer technology (ICT) skills, terminology management, computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools, project management (PM) and software localisation. All materials are designed to support a blended learning approach, combining online distance learning and face-to-face pedagogy.

Modules overview

ICT Skills

The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)​​​​​​​ module aims to test and check and enhance the practical and theoretical knowledge of translators and teachers in the field of translation and computer-aided translation


The Terminology Module aims to enhance your theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of terminology and terminology management. The module has been especially tailored to meet the needs of linguists working with state-of-the-art tools in terminology, translation, and localisation, who need theoretical principles and practical knowledge to manage their terminologies

Translation Memories

The Translation Memory (TM) module aims to enhance your theoretical and practical knowledge in this field. 

Project Management

The Project Management (PM) module aims to enhance your theoretical and practical knowledge in this field. The module has been especially tailored to meet the needs of translation teachers and trainers who intend to integrate aspects of translation project management into their translation classes. 

Software Localisation

The Software Localisation (Software L10N) Module aims to enhance your theoretical and practical knowledge. The module has been designed to meet the needs of both translation teachers and trainers who intend to include software localisation in their translation classes, and CAT tools trainers who teach localisation courses for translators.