![©https://ecolotrain.loctimize.com:8080/index.php?id=1182&L=0&c=01&p=1&q=05&a=0 [DE: Shortcuts]](/fileadmin/user_upload/images/courses/EDV/EDV_1/6_ctrl-alt-del.gif)
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Shortcuts are keyboard combinations that allow the user to quickly access computer programs and functions as well as documents and navigate through them. Shortcuts are usually a combination of a modifier key (such as Alt, Ctrl and/or Shift) with a single character or letter. Thereby, the modifier key has to be held whilst the single character is being pressed.
According to the software application, the shortcuts for a particular function can vary, e.g. to paste the selected text in Microsoft Office Word you use Ctrl + V, but in Microsoft Office Outlook you use Ctrl + P. Each software application can be operated by using shortcuts.
For detailed information and lists of Shortcuts for different software visit the site: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/keyboard-shortcuts-in-windows-dcc61a57-8ff0-cffe-9796-cb9706c75eec or http://www.pc-erfahrung.de/Index.html?Tastenkombinationen.html (available only in German).