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ICT Skills 3

Do you know how to apply a design template from a file? (8/22)


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To apply a design template from a previous presentation (.ppt or .pps) or a design template file (.pot):

  1. Go to the Slides tab in normal view.
  2. Select the slide you want to apply the template to.
  3. From the Format menu select Slide Design.
  4. Click Browse at the bottom of the Slide Design task pane.
  5. Select the desired presentation file (.ppt or .pps) or template file (.pot) and click Apply.

Once you have applied a template file, the design template is available for other presentations in the Slide Design task pane under Available for Use.

Why is this information important for translators and translation teachers?
When creating and translating PowerPoint presentations translators and tutors should be able to create presentations from scratch but also to apply the design of existing presentations.  
