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ICT Skills 3

Do you know how to find and replace text in a presentation? (12/22)


Find out

When looking for a particular term, expression or text in a presentation:

  1. Choose Edit|Find.
  2. Enter the search word or expression in the Find what box.
  3. Click Find Next.
  4. To cancel or finish the search process, press ESCor choose Close.

To replace a particular text in a presentation:

  1. Choose Edit|Replace.
  2. Enter the text you want to be replaced in the Find what box.
  3. In the Replace with box enter the new text.
  4. To replace the currently selected text, click Replace, and to replace all occurrences of the text, click Replace All.

When applying the Find and Replace functions you can find and replace terms not only in one slide but through the whole presentation.

Note: Keep in mind that when you choose the option Replace all for a specific term, this will be replaced everywhere in the document - even if it is part of other terms. To avoid this, choose the term form you want to replace carefully. 

Why is this information important for translators and translation teachers?
The Find and Replace functions are of great importance for translators, especially when reviewing translations as they allow translators to find and replace terms in some or all of their occurrences within the presentation.
