About this course
This course offers theoretical and practical knowledge about software localisation (L10N) tools. It targets professional translators as well as translation teachers and CAT tool trainers who teach localisation courses for translators.
By the end of this course you should know what software localisation tools are, their general features, and you should have acquired an overview of the existing tools on the market and their main features. The present course also summarises the advantages of using software localisation tools, and briefly compares these tools with translation memory systems.
Course structure
- Definitions: Definition of software localisation tools
- Overview: This section focuses on the development of the localisation industry and the creation of software localisation tools
- Features of Software L10N Tools: this section deals with the general features most commonly present in software L10N tools
- Market overview of Software L10N Tools: This section offers an overview of some of the software localisation tools available on the market and their main features
- Advantages of using Software L10N Tools: In this section some of the advantages of using Software L10N Tools are addressed
- L10N tools vs. TM systems: The focus of this section is a brief comparison of L10N tools with translation memory systems