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Software Localisation (L10N) Course 2

Figures, graphics, photos (3/10)

Similarly as with symbols, figures, graphics and photos referring to culture-specific situations (e.g. religion, appearance, clothes) have also to be adapted or substituted when used in the software or software components to be localised.

A typical error in internationalisation is the use of linguistic elements in the figures, graphics or photos. This should be avoided since creating new graphic files is often a time-consuming task.

In the same way, figures, graphics and photos can refer to specific products, which might change depending on the target market - e.g. depending on the country, a car can have the steering-wheel on the left- or right side.

Finally, the conventions for representing figures, graphics and photos may also vary depending on the target market – e.g. in order and layout of figures and graphics (c.f. Schmitz, 2005a:11-12).