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Terminology Course 2 - Principles of Terminology Management

About this course

This course aims to enhance your theoretical knowledge regarding terminology management. It targets professional translators as well as translation and CAT (Computer-aided Translation) tools teachers who want to learn about topics related to terminology and terminology management tools for applying this knowledge in their work and classes.

By the end of this course you should have understood what terminology management is, why it is important, as well as what terminology management tools are and their importance. You should be able to identify the simplest forms of terminology management and also to differentiate between translation memories and terminology databases. Finally, you should have acquired the basic necessary concepts for working with terminology databases (elements and categorieselementaritygranularity, etc.).

Course Structure

The Terminology Course II is divided into two sections:

  1. Principles of terminology management: This first section covers the concepts of terminology managementterminology management tools, terminology databases, the reasons why terminology management and terminology management tools are important for translators, the simple forms for terminology management and the difference between translation memories and terminology databases.
  2. Terminology Databases: The second section is devoted to the basic principles of terminology databases: elements, categories, maintenance principles in general, etc.
