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Sheet tabs
Since a workbook usually comprises several worksheets, you must know how to navigate within a workbook. At the bottom of every workbook there are Sheet tabs that enable you to navigate within the whole workbook.
From these tabs you can select the worksheet or chart on which you want to work, e.g. Sheet1, Sheet2, Chart1, Chart2, etc. The currently displayed worksheet is called the "active sheet" because it can be modified.
Tab scrolling buttons
Since a workbook can contain a large number of worksheets, it may be the case that the worksheet you are looking for is not displayed on the Sheet tab. Simply use the tab scrolling buttons to display the tab of the worksheet you are looking for. Click on the tab and the worksheet will be displayed.
To select more than one adjacent worksheets and use data within them, click the tab for the first of these, press and hold down SHIFT and click the tabs of the adjacent sheet(s) to be selected. If the sheets to be selected are not adjacent, click the first sheet, press and hold down CTRL and then click the tabs of the other sheets.
To select all worksheets, right-click on the tab of the first sheet, and select Select All Sheets from the menu that opens.
Why is this information important for translators and translation teachers?
In translating text contained in an Excel document, translators should be able to navigate between worksheets, for example to check a term, to modify a translation, or make sure all the text in the worksheets is translated and correctly displayed.
Translators should keep in mind that the name of the sheet tab might also need to be translated. For this, first right-click the mouse button on the name of the sheet tab to open the Rename function in the context menu and then edit the name. Make sure that the new name is not much longer than the original one, since this might cause some problems, e.g. when importing it into Excel after having used a Translation Memory (for example, TagEditorfrom Trados).