![© https://ecolotrain.loctimize.com:8080/index.php?id=2494&L=0 [DE: Hilfe-Menü]](/fileadmin/user_upload/images/courses/Softwarelokalisierung/L10N_5/7.2.2_help_from_application.png)
Online help, also called user assistance, refers to a form of online documentation that includes features such as wizards, show-me help, and other varieties of electronic performance support systems. Usually, online help is the largest translation component of most localisation projects.
In order to access online help, users can:
- Use the help menu in the application's user interface
Some aspects which differentiate online manuals from online help are the following:
- The way of linking together various content parts is different from that of electronic manuals.
- Online help can be accessed either through the Website or from the software interface by: selecting a topic on a help menu, clicking a link or button on the interface, or pressing a key (e.g. F1) on the keyboard.
- Online help provides guidance and assistance in how to perform real work tasks, not just practice tasks as found in the manuals.
- Online help offers immediate answers to specific questions on a particular window or dialogue. This means that the help page corresponding to the topic is shown.
- The language used in the text of online help differs from that of online manuals, e.g. it is often not as formal as in manuals.
- Online help formatting is different. The text is often broken up into smaller chunks so that users do not have to scroll down so long and find the information as quick as possible.
- There are extra sections not included in the manuals, such as: quick tips, simple, multiple links leading to other help areas, etc.
(Adapted from Hollis Weber, 2000; Esselink, 2000, and Lifetips, 2007)