One term-oriented entry
Let us suppose that we are preparing a terminology database from a term-oriented (semasiological) approach where German is the source language and English the target one. The German term we need to include is "Bank" which has two equivalents in English ("bank" and "bench") corresponding to different concepts ("finance institution" and "seating device").
If we follow a term-oriented approach, we will have only one entry in German for "Bank" which will contain the two possible concepts in English - bank (finance) and bench (furniture) (as shown in our graphic).
This would imply that the language direction of our database cannot be reversible because the English "bank" referring only to "finance institution" is not equivalent to the German "Bank" referring to both, "finance institution" and "seating device".
Neither the English "bench" referring only to a piece of furniture can be equivalent to the German "Bank" referring to both concepts, again, "finance institution" and "seating device".