In the example below, two terms have been found in the term base and are displayed in the "Portions" window together with some information on subject field, project, creation date and user.
The integration of term bases is important, especially in cases where the customer provides corporate terminology in some text format or in Excel tables, which can easily be imported into the term base of the TM system. In this way, the translator is able to use the corporate terminology in the translation project, even if there is no translation in the TM for segments as such.
Integrating a terminology database into the translation process means that every time a segment is opened for lookup in the TM, all words and phrases contained in the segment are automatically looked up in the term base.
If terms are found together with their translation equivalents, they are displayed in a special window and can be pasted into the target language segment by double clicking on the term or by means of a button in the toolbar.