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Software Localisation (L10N) Course 2

Language (7/10)

Telling translators to bear in mind that each culture has different conventions regarding language and style may sound odd. However, practice has shown that in the field of software localisation there is no warning regarding translation that could be considered superfluous. Particularly when localising software (e.g. interfaces) translators can easily be influenced by the source language and produce inappropriate translations.

As basic as it sounds, cultural conventions must be taken into account when it comes to syntax and style. The following table shows some examples of general principles regarding translation between English and German:




Specifically in IT texts, emphasis can be made:

  • In elements of the user interface , or
  • In running text


Finally, it is worth mentioning that many software engineering companies have their own style guides. Translators and localisers working for these companies have to stick to these guidelines (cf. Schmitz, 2005a:15-16).

