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Terminology 4

Versions (4/11)

There are several versions of MultiTerm. The first one was TRADOS MultiTerm ’95 Plus (1995) followed years later by TRADOS MultiTerm 5.5 (2002). Afterwards, in 2003, TRADOS MultiTerm iX (6.x) was launched, followed by MultiTerm 7 in 2005.


MT iX/7 vs. MT 5.5

The following table contrasts some of the main features of TRADOS MultiTerm 5.5 with TRADOS MultiTerm iX (6.x)/  MultiTerm 7.


MultiTerm iX (6.x) / MultiTerm 7



Termbases are stored in *.mdb format

Termbases are stored in a binary *.mtw file format

Client/server solution which allows to work with local termbases or to log into a MultiTerm Server and work with remote multi-user termbases. With the server component it is possible to publish termbases online.

Access to local termbases on a PC or multi-user access to termbases on a network drive

Terminology data can be exported in *.xml, *.html or TRADOS MultiTerm 5 format; user-defined export definitions are also possible

Termbases can by default be exported in *.txt file format; predefined export definitions for RTF and Ventura-Publisher format as well as several table formats are also available; user-defined export definitions are possible

Fuzzy search functionality (e.g. to obtain results even for misspelled terms)

Fuzzy search functionality (e.g. to obtain results even for misspelled terms) after creation of fuzzy index

Wizard support for key operations such as creating termbases, importing, exporting, defining filters, etc.


Direct input of terms from the editor (Microsoft Word, TRADOS TagEditor) is possible


Unlimited number of entries to each termbase, entry classes and fields is permitted


Termbase definitions as well as termbase objects can be saved to the file system to make data exchange easier


Layout and interfaces

Concerning layout and interfaces, there are only minor differences between MultiTerm 7.x and TRADOS MultiTerm 6.0. Terminology databases stored in a format of a previous MultiTerm version can always be converted to a more recent version.

For example, termbases in TRADOS MultiTerm 5 format (*.mtw) can be easily converted into the new MultiTerm 7.x format (*.xml) by using the additional component MultiTerm Convert, which also allows the conversion of terminology data from other formats such as Microsoft Excel *.xls and tab-delimited text files *.txt into SDL MultiTerm 7 (*.xml) format.