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Terminology Exercise 2

Levels of entry structure (7/9)

Next you will have to define the entry structure. For this, MultiTerm offers three structure levels where you can save different types of information according to their references.

  • The Entry level includes those fields containing information referring to the whole entry, or to put it differently, to the concept, e.g. specialisation areadefinition, etc. In the example below there are two fields pertaining to the entry level: entry number and subject.
  • The Index level (or language level) includes all data relevant for all information in a particular language, e.g. definitionnote, etc. In our example the fields contained in the index level are only the two terms: Component Object Model and COM.
  • Finally, the Term level contains data that refers to the term, such as numberword classcontext, also definition (because it can also vary according to the language), etc. The fields on the term level can also have sub-fields, e.g. source as sub-field of the field definition. In our example there are three fields pertaining to the term level (typedefinition and source) and there are no sub-fields.