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Terminology Exercise 3

Converting an Excel table into MultiTerm XML (2/4 (2))

Files and columns

Browse to the location of the Excel file to be converted. For the purposes of our exercise, choose the folder from your working directory containing the Excel file for the language pair you selected (My Documents/Terminology_Management/Termbases/TDB/Importing/Excel_Tables and the language pair you chose).

Name the file using the two language codes of the language pair you selected, in our example "EN-SL". Click Next to continue.

The location of the converted output file, a termbase definition file and a log file, where conversion problems are recorded, will be set by default by the Convert Wizard. You can change their location by clicking on Browse and assigning a new location. In this exercise we will work with the default locations.


The program checks the information contained in the first lines of the Excel table and asks us to define the type of field in the MultiTerm database to which the headings of our Excel table should correspond. In our example, both fields are "Index fields", for which you have to choose the correct language from the list.

