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Translation Memories 1

Translation workflow with TM tools (5/10)

A typical workflow when translating with TM tools includes the following steps:

  1. Selection of the TM and Terminology Database to be used for translation
  2. Conversion or import of the source language text into the format used by the TM tool
  3. Analysis of the source language text on the basis of the TM to be used
  4. Pretranslation of the text, if analysis shows a sufficient number of exact matches
  5. Translation of the text using the lookup feature of the TM and saving translations into the TM
  6. Saving source and target language pairs of technical terms in the terminological database throughout the translation process
  7. Exporting the finished translation from the TM tool and recreating the original file format
  8. Proofreading and other quality assurance procedures
