Teaching in a PC lab with several computers, one student working on one PC
Each student has the chance to work with a computer and make him/herself familiar with the software used, its functionalities, etc.
Students can directly edit their translations, databases and other translation project files in class.
Since students can access termbases, translation memory databases and other translation project files not only in class (from PC lab or home if using a server-based databases, from PC lab if using a local database), there is a wide range of activities that can be assigned as homework, saving class time for activities that teachers consider more relevant.
Teachers must have good ICT skills and a very good command of the tools used, so that they can help students in case these have a trouble or get stuck (this can also be seen as an advantage ;-)).
High costs for the institution resulting from acquiring hardware and software – especially when acquiring client/server architectures.
If working with server-based databases, high costs for maintaining client/server architectures – e.g. for specialised personnel such as CAT tools specialists, a system administrator (e.g. for assigning user rights, user IDs, etc.).
There is the risk that the traditional interaction teacher-students becomes students-computers. Hint: This can be overcome by the installation of classroom management software which allows the tutor to view/lock/display the students’ screens from his/her machine.